A Typical Day

While no day at Kennolyn is ‘normal’ we can tell you what a Typical Day is like! Campers take comfort in knowing that each day starts and ends the same each day.

7:15 Wake Up Bell Campers get ready for the day and clean their cabins (you want to get a good score on cabin inspection so you can win the Golden Sponge!)

8:00 Breakfast Pancakes, bacon, fruit, yogurt

8:45 Flag Raising We meet each morning for announcements. Cabins take turns raising the flag.

9:00-12:50 Morning Activities 

1:00 Lunch 

1:45 Rest Hour You don’t have to sleep but you must be on your bunk resting. This could be listening to music, writing a letter home or reading a book.

2:30 – 4:50 Afternoon Activities

5:00 Mail Call and Family Hour Each family hour cabins choose an activity to do together. You could go on a hike, shower, plan your cabin skit- the possibilities are endless!

6:00 Retreat What goes up must come down. Each evening campers take turns taking down the flag.

6:15 Dinner

7:15 Evening Activity Campfire, Dutch Auction, Counselor Dress Up (oh my!)

8:30pm Call to Quarters This bugle indicates it time to head towards bed (Senior Campers have special activities at this time).

8:45pm Tattoo Our 2nd bugle means you should be in bed and counselors will start reading.

9:00pm Taps The final bugle of the night indicates lights should be out. This is when Senior Campers head to bed.