Remember the gifts of camp

It’s the time of year for exchanging gifts with family friends. It is also the time of the year when we reflect on the current year as it comes to an end. Kids (and adults) can focus too much on the material gifts they are about to give and receive but if you have sent your child to summer camp, you have already given them gifts.

Kennolyn is often involved in studies and research because camp remains very popular and researchers continue to try to identify the key developmental elements of the camp experience and quantify the benefits the campers receive from camp. Challenge Success, a non-profit school reform organization affiliated with the Stanford University Graduate School of Education, has conducted research with camps across the country, including Kennolyn. What camp is able to do is to give kids the chance to practice important skills that prepare them for adulthood. Watch this video and reflect on the wonderful gift you already gave your child, the gift of summer camp.

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