Packing For Summer Camp

A girl laying on her overfilled luggagePacking for camp can be a nightmare. Am I packing too much? Not enough? What if my camper loses their belongings? These are all valid questions you may ask yourself as you pack you camper.  Here are few tips and products that can help you have success and a little less stress.

  1. Involve your camper from the start. Camp can make children nervous, by ensuring they have the items that they want can help ensure success once a camper arrives. This is also a great way to help your camper gain independence, a skill they will continue to build on at summer camp.
  2. Make sure to use your camps packing list. Most camps have a suggested packing list. They are the experts on what their campers need so make sure to follow it as best you can. Here is an example of a packing list for a 2-week camp. Rolling Luggage
  3. Find the right luggage. We recommend a soft sided trunk with wheels like . Hard trunks are nice too but they are harder to transport and can make the cabin crowded. Kids live out of their luggage at camp so make sure it’s a bag your camper can maneuver.
  4. Label your campers items. Things get lost at camp. Invest in some clothing labels like these ones or use the classic Sharpie.
  5. Don’t pack anything that is new, expensive or precious. Belongings can get lost or damaged at camp, things happen!
  6. Some campers like to be organized with their luggage. Look into some garment bags that help keep things tidy like this one. Some people also like to pack outfits in plastic bags tA Garment Bago conserve space. This is also great for a camper that likes to dig through their bag. By sorting outfits in Ziploc Bags you can keep things together and clean.


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